Refreshing Salesforce account authorization

How do I re-authorize our Salesforce account with LiveHelpNow account?

If you need to re-authorize your Salesforce account with LiveHelpNow, follow these easy steps

Step 1: Go to Admin Workspace -> Integration & Partners -> Salesforce

Access your Admin Workspace and navigate to Integration & Partners, then select Salesforce


Step 2: Clear Authorization

Once in the Salesforce section, click on the "Clear Authorization" button to remove the current authorization.


Step 3: Authorize with LiveHelpNow

After clearing the authorization, click on the "Authorize with Live" button to re-authorize your Salesforce account with LiveHelpNow.


Remember, you do not need to change any mapping or Salesforce integration settings that were previously set up, as they will remain the same. Only the authorization will be refreshed.


By following these steps, you can easily re-authorize your Salesforce account with LiveHelpNow and continue using the integration seamlessly.

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