LiveHelpNow in an intranet environment

I see visitors browsing Brand A website routed to Brand B, why?

LiveHelpNow uses IP address to track visitors. We do not utilize cookies to comply with privacy laws.

This may create potential issues when two or more visitors browsing your website from the same public IP address at the same time.

You may see for example pages tracked for a visitor routed to Brand A showing Brand B website pages.

Visitors will still be routed to correct departments, the navigation history however may reflect pages from other websites if another visitor from the same Public IP address visited those pages.


function CustomOpenLHNChat(){

if (typeof lhnWin !== 'undefined' && lhnWin){

if (!lhnWin.closed){


setTimeout(lhnWin.focus(), 10);

return false;




var wleft = (screen.width - 580-32) / 2;

var wtop = (screen.height - 420 - 96) / 2;

YOUR_CODE;'' + lhnDepartmentN + '&zzwindow=' + lhnWindowN, 'lhnchat', 
'left=' + wleft + ',top=' + wtop +',width=580, height=435,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no, status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,copyhistory=no,resizable=yes');

return false;


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