How do i change title, button text, appearance etc. of the Embedded Widget?
Changing appearance Embedded widget does not use iFrames and is just another DOM element on your web page allowing to completely style it by using CSS residing within your website page styles. We recommend using Google Chrome Dev Tools inspect tool to find element you would like to style. Here are some of the elements of the Embedded Widget, please do not copy and paste these styles to be [...]
I would like to hide the tab for the embedded window when all agents are offline
To hide the tab for the embedded widget installation when all agents are offline please follow these steps: Navigate to Admin Panel > System setup > Website code. Open embedded widget settings you would like to hide when offline. Change "Offline button state" to hidden. Click save button. You do not need to copy the code and paste again within your website. The change is affected [...]
I updated to windows 10, now the Windows App does not give sound notifications, why?
When updating to windows 10, the alerter's sound properties become part of the audio mixer. Here are the steps to turn the volume up on the alerter in Windows 10:Step 1:Locate the audio properties on your task bar:Step 2:Then right click on the audio icon and select, "Open Volume Mixer"Step 3:Locate LiveHelpNow and turn the volume up:Adjust the volume to your [...]
Is it possible to supply and pre-fill on the pre-chat form already known information by our website such as customer name, email, etc?
You may easily supply pre-chat fields to be pre-filled/auto-submited within the pre-chat window so customer does not have to provide an already known by your website/service customer information. Here are the easy steps: Make sure that every prechat field is linked to a CRM field in Admin panel->Chat -> Chat windows-> Select chat window and select Prechat requirements Include [...]
When installing LiveHelpNow on Windows PC i get error 2503 followed by 2502
Whenever you try to install or update LiveHelpNow Windows App which uses an .msi installer, the installation gets up to the final step and the progress bar almost reaches the end, but the install suddenly fails with an error 2503, followed by an error 2502. The error is caused by insuficient permissions the user's account is allocated on the PC. It may also be caused by Domain restrictions, [...]
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