Ticket Autoresponder Email Templates
Are there email templates I can use to help me respond to customer inquiries?
Yes, the LiveHelpNow support ticket system streamlines customer service communications with built in, completely customizable email templates.
There are 3 different email templates that may be custoized, depending on the status of the customer email inquiry. These include a 'Ticket Created' confirmation email, a 'Ticket Resolved' email and two 'Comment Added' notification emails (one for customers and one for operators).
You can setup completely different set of email templates for each ticket category giving you amazing flexibility and ability to support unlimited number of brands with the same LiveHelpNow account. Ticket categories help you send different email notifications to different groups of customers. Manage your ticket categories in Admin panel -> Ticket -> Categories / Email Templates.
Automation features, workflows, queuing and distribution. LiveHelpNow ticket system is packed with features offerring ability to support large teams and multi-brand call centers. For more info see email-to-ticket integration.
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